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Format of the Checkpoint Template File in VMS
The checkpoint template file, cktmpl.def, can be found in $II_SYSTEM:[INGRES.FILES].
The checkpoint template file uses the four-letter key described above to begin each line. A line can specify an individual tape and disk handling command or the name of a user-written command file to provide more complex processing such as backing up all of a database’s locations concurrently.
Defaults are provided so that sites using standard processing do not need to alter the checkpoint template file.
Here are some example lines from a cktmpl.def file:
WSTD: @ckp_to_tape "%N" "%D" "%C" "%F"
WSDD: @ckp_to_disk "%D" "%A"
WRTD: @rollfwd_from_tape "%N" "%D" "%C" "%F"
WRDD: @rollfwd_from_disk "%A" "%D"
Each of these example lines specifies the name of a command file and establishes requests for run-time information.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024