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Space Requirements for Modify Operations
Modify operations require additional working disk space because a new version of the table must be built before the old table can be removed. In most cases, modify operations require about two or three times more space than the original table size. This is only an approximation; the amount of disk space actually needed can vary.
The free disk space is also required during modify to relocate and modify to reorganize operations.
For information about relocating and changing the location of storage structures, see the Modifying Storage Structures topic in online help for VDBA. For details on the DBA use of these operations, see Techniques for Moving a Table to a New Location on page 68.
In SQL, you can accomplish these tasks with the MODIFY TO REORGANIZE and MODIFY TO RELOCATE statements. For more information, see the SQL Reference Guide.
The maintain_locations privilege is needed to perform the operation on location objects in VDBA or to issue the MODIFY LOCATION statement in SQL. The maintain_locations privilege allows users to do the following:
Control the allocation of disk space
Create new locations or allow new locations to be created
Modify or remove existing locations
Last modified date: 08/29/2024