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SQL Statement Restrictions
Ingres DTP applications must not issue the following statements in any context: embedded SQL, dynamic SQL, or database procedures (including procedures fired by rules).
call subsystem
Restricted because a call to an Ingres tool might violate transaction semantics. (However, if your TP software permits forking of processes, your application can issue the call system statement. Call system performs a temporary exit to the operating system.)
Restricted because the transaction manager handles transaction commits.
connect and disconnect
Restricted because connections to databases are replaced by Transaction Processing software vendor‑supplied server initialization and shutdown routines.
prepare to commit
Restricted because the transaction manager coordinates two-phase commit.
Restricted because the transaction manager handles transaction commits. (However, your application can issue the rollback to savepoint statement.)
set autocommit
Restricted because the transaction manager handles transaction commits.
set_sql (session)
Use set connection instead.
In Ingres DTP applications, the preceding statements cause run-time errors. If the Ingres DTP application executes a database procedure that contains one of these restricted statements, the offending global transaction is rolled back.
Note:  The following obsolete Ingres SQL statements are also restricted. Do not use these statements in your application: begin transaction, end transaction, abort
Last modified date: 08/28/2024