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Step 1: Build Application Servers
For an application server (AS) to work correctly in conjunction with an Ingres database, the AS must be built with the Ingres DTP client libraries. The following diagram shows the steps involved in building an application server.
To create an application server
1. Precompile the embedded SQL source code.
Invoke the Ingres ESQL precompiler. The precompiler processes your embedded SQL source code and creates a 3GL source code file. For details about precompiling embedded SQL programs, see the Embedded SQL Companion Guide.
2. Build the application server.
Issue the Tuxedo buildserver command. You must use the -r flag to specify Ingres as the resource manager. For example:
buildserver -r INGRES -f server.c -o server -b shm -s SERVICE
The example shown compiles the C language source file “server.c”, which contains a service named SERVICE, and builds an application server executable named server. For details about the buildserver command, refer to the Tuxedo Transaction Monitor Reference Manual.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024