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The exec keyword, which begins all embedded SQL statements, can begin anywhere on the source line. However, you must code comment indicators, represented by the asterisk ( * ), in column 1 or in the COBOL indicator area (column 7). All coded string continuation indicators also belong in the COBOL indicator area.
In general, embedded SQL statements in COBOL require no special margins. The exec keyword can begin anywhere on the source line. Host declarations can also begin on any column. In the case, however, of comment lines and continued string literals contained in embedded SQL statements, the indicator symbol (* or -) must be coded in the COBOL indicator area.
For programs coded using VAX COBOL terminal format conventions (the default), the indicator area is column 1. For programs coded in ANSI format (which requires specifying the -a flag on the preprocessor command line), the indicator area is column 7. Also, the -a flag allows a sequence number in specific columns on the source line. For more information on the two styles of format and the -a flag, see Preprocessor Operation in this chapter.
Comment and string literals are discussed in detail later in this section.
For portability to other implementations of SQL, you should not code beyond column 72.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024