The Department-Employee Master/Detail Application
This application uses two database tables joined on a specific column. This typical example of a department and its employees demonstrates how to process two tables as a master and a detail.
The program scans through all the departments in a database table, in order to reduce expenses. Based on certain criteria, the program updates department and employee records. The conditions for updating the data are the following:
• If a department has made less than $50,000 in sales, the department is dissolved.
• If an employee was hired since the start of 1985, the employee is terminated.
• If the employee's yearly salary is more than the minimum company wage of $14,000 and the employee is not nearing retirement (over 58 years of age), the employee takes a 5% pay cut.
• If the employee's department is dissolved and the employee is not terminated, the employee is moved into a state of limbo to be resolved by a supervisor.
This program uses two cursors in a master/detail fashion. The first cursor is for the Department table, and the second cursor is for the Employee table. Both tables are described in declare table statements at the start of the program. The cursors retrieve all the information in the tables, some of which is updated. The cursor for the Employee table also retrieves an integer date interval whose value is positive if the employee was hired after January 1, 1985.
Each row that is scanned from both the Department table and the Employee table is recorded into the system output file. This file serves as a log of the session and as a simplified report of the updates.
Each section of code is commented for the purpose of the application and also to clarify some of the uses of the Embedded SQL statements. The program illustrates table creation, multi-statement transactions, all cursor statements, direct updates, and error handling.
Sample Application
-- Create package for Long_Float I/O so as not to conflict with
-- the default G_FLOAT format. This example assumes that the ACS
-- SET PRAGMA command has been issued.
with text_io;
package long_float_text_io is new text_io.float_io(long_float);
-- I/O utilities
with text_io; use text_io;
with integer_text_io; use integer_text_io;
with short_integer_text_io; use short_integer_text_io;
with short_short_integer_text_io; use short_short_integer_text_io;
with float_text_io; use float_text_io;
with long_float_text_io; use long_float_text_io;
exec sql include sqlca;
-- The department table
exec sql declare dept table
(name char(12) not null, -- Department name
totsales money not null, -- Total sales
employees smallint not null); -- Number of employees
-- The employee table
exec sql declare employee table
(name char(20) not null, -- Employee name
age integer1 not null, -- Employee age
idno integer not null, -- Unique employee id
hired date not null, -- Date of hire
dept char(12) not null, -- Department of work
salary money not null); -- Yearly salary
-- "State-of-Limbo" for employees who lose their department
exec sql declare toberesolved table
(name char(20) not null, -- Employee name
age integer1 not null, -- Employee age
idno integer not null, -- Unique employee id
hired date not null, -- Date of hire
dept char(12) not null, -- Department of work
salary money not null); -- Yearly salary
-- Procedure: Process_Expenses -- MAIN
-- Purpose: Main body of the application. Initialize the
-- database, process each department and terminate
-- the session.
-- Parameters:
-- None
procedure Process_Expenses is
log_file: File_type; -- Log file to write to.
sql_error: exception;
-- Procedure: Init_Db
-- Purpose: Initialize the database.
-- Connect to the database and abort on error.
-- Before processing departments and employees,
-- create the table for employees who
-- lose their departments, "toberesolved".
-- Parameters:
-- None
procedure Init_Db is
exec sql whenever sqlerror stop;
exec sql connect personnel;
"Creating ""To_Be_Resolved"" table.");
exec sql create table toberesolved
(name char(20) not null,
age integer1 not null,
idno integer not null,
hired date not null,
dept char(12) not null,
salary money not null);
end Init_Db;
-- Procedure: End_Db
-- Purpose: Commit the multi-statement transaction and
-- end access to the database.
-- Parameters:
-- None
procedure End_Db is
exec sql commit;
exec sql disconnect;
end End_Db;
-- Procedure: Close_Down
-- Purpose: Error handler called any time after Init_Db has been
-- successfully completed. In all cases, print the cause
-- of the error and abort the transaction, backing out
-- changes. Note that disconnecting from the database
-- will implicitly close any open cursors.
-- Parameters: None.
procedure Close_Down is
exec sql begin declare section;
errbuf: String(1..200);
exec sql end declare section;
-- Turn off error handling here
exec sql whenever sqlerror continue;
exec sql inquire_sql (:errbuf = ERRORTEXT);
put_line( "Closing Down because of database error.");
put_line( errbuf );
exec sql rollback;
exec sql disconnect;
raise sql_error; -- No return
end Close_Down;
-- Procedure: Process_Employees
-- Purpose: Scan through all the employees for a particular
-- department.Based on given conditions, the employee
-- may be terminated or given a salary reduction:
-- 1. If an employee was hired since 1985, the
-- employee is terminated.
-- 2. If the employee's yearly salary is more
-- than the minimum company wage of $14,000 and
-- the employee is not close to retirement
-- (over 58 years of age), the employee takes
-- a 5% salary reduction.
-- 3. If the employee's department is dissolved
-- and the employee is not terminated, then
-- the employee is moved into the
-- "toberesolved" table.
-- Parameters:
-- dept_name - Name of current department.
-- deleted_dept - Is department dissolved?
-- emps_term - Set locally to record how many employees
-- were terminated for the current department.
procedure Process_Employees
(dept_name: in String;
deleted_dept: in Boolean;
emps_term: in out Integer) is
exec sql begin declare section;
-- Emp_Rec corresponds to the "employee" table
type Emp_Rec is
name: String(1..20);
age: Short_Short_Integer;
idno: Integer;
hired: String(1..25);
salary: Float;
hired_since_85: Integer;
end record;
erec: Emp_Rec;
salary_reduc: constant Float := 0.95;
dname: String(1..12) := dept_name;
exec sql end declare section;
min_emp_salary: constant Float := 14000.00;
nearly_retired: constant Short_Short_Integer := 58;
title: String(1..12); -- Formatting values
descript: String(1..25);
-- Note the use of the Ingres function to find out
-- who has been hired since the start of 1985.
exec sql declare empcsr cursor for
select name, age, idno, hired, salary,
int4(interval('days', hired-date('01-jan-1985')))
from employee
where dept = :dname
for direct update OF name, salary;
begin -- Process Employees
-- All errors from this point on close down the application
exec sql whenever sqlerror call Close_Down;
exec sql whenever not found goto Close_Emp_Csr;
exec sql open empcsr;
emps_term := 0; -- Record how many
while (sqlca.sqlcode = 0) loop
exec sql fetch empcsr into :erec;
if (erec.hired_since_85 > 0) then
exec sql delete from employee
where current of empcsr;
title := "Terminated: ";
descript := "Reason: Hired since 1985.";
emps_term := emps_term + 1;
-- Reduce salary if not nearly retired
elsif (erec.salary > min_emp_salary) then
if (erec.age < nearly_retired) then
exec sql update employee
set salary = salary * :salary_reduc
where current of empcsr;
title := "Reduction: ";
descript := "Reason: Salary. ";
-- Do not reduce salary
title := "No Changes: ";
descript :=
"Reason: Retiring. ";
end if;
-- Else leave employee alone
title := "No Changes: ";
descript := "Reason: Salary. ";
end if;
-- Was employee's department dissolved?
if (deleted_dept) then
exec sql insert into toberesolved
select *
from employee
where idno = :erec.idno;
exec sql delete from employee
where current of empcsr;
end if;
-- Log the employee's information
put(log_file, " " & title & " ");
put(log_file, erec.idno, 6);
put(log_file, ", " & & ", ");
put(log_file, erec.age, 3);
put(log_file, ", ");
put(log_file, erec.salary, 8, 2, 0);
put_line(log_file, " ; " & descript);
end loop;
exec sql whenever not found continue;
exec sql close empcsr;
end Process_Employees;
-- Procedure:Process_Depts
-- Purpose: Scan through all the departments, processing each
-- one. If the department has made less than $50,000 in
-- sales, dissolve the department. For each department,
-- process all employees (they may even be moved to
-- another database table). If an employee wa
-- terminated, update the department's employee counter.
-- Parameters:
-- None
procedure Process_Depts is
exec sql begin declare section;
-- Dept_Rec corresponds to the "dept" table
type Dept_Rec is
name: String(1..12);
totsales: Long_Float;
employees: Short_Integer;
end record;
dept: Dept_Rec;
-- Employees terminated
emps_term: Integer := 0;
exec sql end declare section;
min_tot_sales: constant := 50000.00;
deleted_dept: Boolean; -- Was the dept deleted?
dept_format: String(1..20); -- Formatting value
exec sql declare deptcsr cursor for
select name, totsales, employees
from dept
for direct update of name, employees;
-- All errors from this point on close down the application
exec sql whenever sqlerror call Close_Down;
exec sql whenever not found goto Close_Dept_Csr;
exec sql open deptcsr;
while (sqlca.sqlcode = 0) loop
exec sql fetch deptcsr into :dept;
-- Did the department reach minimum sales?
if (dept.totsales < min_tot_sales) then
exec sql delete from dept
where current of deptcsr;
deleted_dept := TRUE;
dept_format := " -- DISSOLVED --";
deleted_dept := FALSE;
dept_format := (1..20 = > ' ');
end if;
-- Log what we have just done
"Department: " & &
", Total Sales: ");
put(log_file, dept.totsales, 12, 3, 0);
put_line(log_file, dept_format);
-- Now process each employee in the department
deleted_dept, emps_term);
-- If employees were terminated, record the fact
if (emps_term > 0 and not deleted_dept) then
exec sql update dept
set employees = :dept.employee - :emps_term
where current of deptcsr;
end if;
end loop;
exec sql whenever not found continue;
exec sql close deptcsr;
end Process_Depts;
begin -- MAIN program
put_line("Entering application to process expenses.");
create(log_file, out_file, "expenses.log");
put_line("Completion of application.");
when sql_error =>
null; -- Just go away quietly
end Process_Expenses;