4GL Data Type | 3GL Variable Declaration |
varchar, text | A variable‑length character string. Unlike the fixed‑length character types char and c, these variable‑length character fields are not extended with blank characters before being passed to 3GL; only the amount of data entered into the field is passed to 3GL. Your 4GL program can determine the declared size of a field and the current amount of data in the field by calling the size and length string functions. |
char, c | A fixed‑length character string. The fixed size is determined by the length of the field on the form as declared using the ABF FormEdit operation, or, for a global variable, by its declared size in 4GL. Data entered into the field is padded with blank characters up to its full declared length before being passed to 3GL. |
date | Fixed‑length, 25‑byte character string. |
money | Extended precision (8‑byte) floating point. |
integer, I | Integer. |
decimal | A fixed‑point exact number. Depending on the 3GL, a decimal value is declared as either a packed decimal or a float. |
float, f | Floating point. |