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Create a Frametype Frame Pop-up
The first step in creating a frame is naming the frame through the Create a frametype Frame pop-up. The frametype is USER, REPORT, or QBF. These four pop-up frames are identical except for the frametype in the pop-up's title. The following figure shows an example of the Create a frametype Frame pop-up, where USER is the frametype:
The Create a Frame pop-up has four fields. This first field is the only one you can fill in:
Specifies a name field in which you enter the name of the frame. The name must follow standard object naming conventions.
The other three fields contain read-only defaults:
Specifies the name of the user who created the frame
Specifies the frame type selected in the Create a Frame or Procedure pop-up
Specifies the creation date of the frame
The underlying Edit an Application frame provides the following menu operations for the Create a Frame pop-up:
Creates the frame and displays the Edit a Frametype Frame Definition frame for the frame type you selected
Cancels the operation and return to the Applications Catalog frame
Displays a list of choices for the current field from which you can select or a field description
Accesses the Help Utility for this frame
The following sections introduce each frame type shown on the Create a Frame or Procedure Frame.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024