Nested Menus
A nested menu is invoked by the display submenu statement.
This statement has the following syntax:
display submenu;
Nested menus differ from simple submenus in the following ways:
• You can define field activations (in addition to menu items and FRS keys) in nested menus. Field activations in the outer display loop (or nested menu) are not inherited.
• Running from a nested menu is exactly like running from a display loop; this includes using the resume statement. Unlike submenus, nested menus allow the user to move the cursor around the screen the same way as in a display loop.
• Multiple levels of nesting are allowed.
• To terminate a nested menu, you must use either the breakdisplay or enddisplay statement. The behavior of these statements are the same as in a normal display loop. Breakdisplay simply terminates the nested menu while enddisplay first validates all fields before exiting. Once a nested menu exits, the enclosing display loop (or nested menu) is restored.
The following embedded SQL example shows how you can use display submenu to create a nested menu:
exec frs activate menuitem 'EmpOps';
exec frs begin;
exec frs display submenu;
exec frs activate menuitem 'UpdateAge';
exec frs begin;
Do processing to update employee's age;
exec frs breakdisplay;
exec frs end;
exec frs activate menuitem 'UpdateSal';
exec frs begin;
Do processing to update employee's salary;
exec frs breakdisplay;
exec frs end;
exec frs activate menuitem 'End';
exec frs begin;
exec frs breakdisplay;
exec frs end;
exec frs end;
Last modified date: 02/26/2025