Retrieving Information about Menu Items
The menu object type can be used to retrieve information about menu items in the menu line for the current display loop. The syntax is:
inquire_frs menu formname | empty_string
(variable = frs_constant[(menu_item)]
If you are referring to the current form you can omit formname and specify an empty string instead (in ESQL, specify ' ', and in EQUEL specify " "). The formname parameter can be specified to access menu objects in other display loops. The menu_item parameter must specify the name of the menu item about which you are inquiring.
The legal values for frs_constant are listed in the following table:
Examples--inquire_frs statement:
Example 1:
Find out if an error occurred. If so, call a clean-up routine.
exec frs inquire_frs frs (:err = errorno);
if (err < 0) then
call clean_up(err);
end if;
Example 2:
Confirm that user changed some data on the currently displayed form before updating the database.
exec frs activate menuitem 'Update' (validate = 1);
exec frs begin;
exec frs inquire_frs form (:updated = change);
if (updated = 1) then
exec frs getform (:newvalue = value);
exec sql update newtable
set newvalue = :newvalue
where .....;
end if;
exec frs end;
Example 3:
Find out the mode and current field of a form whose name is passed as a parameter.
exec frs inquire_frs form
(:mode = mode(:formname),
:fldname = field(:formname));
Example 4:
Implement a generalized help facility based on the current field name.
exec frs activate menuitem 'HelpOnField';
exec frs begin;
exec frs inquire_frs form (:fldname = field);
Place appropriate file for "fldname" into
exec frs helpfile 'Field Help' into :filebuf:
exec frs end;
Example 5:
Find out if the current field in form empform is a table field before issuing the deleterow statement on the current row.
exec frs activate menuitem 'Deleterow';
exec frs begin;
exec frs inquire_frs field empform
(:fldname = name, :istable = table);
if (istable = 0) then
exec frs message
'You must be on the table field to delete
the current row.';
exec frs sleep 2;
exec frs deleterow empform :fldname;
end if;
exec frs end;
Example 6:
Allow the runtime user to change the row following the current row in a table field. Verify that the current field is a table field and that the next row of the table field is visible.
exec frs activate menuitem 'ChangeNextRow';
exec frs begin;
exec frs inquire_frs field '' (:istable = table);
if (istable = 0) then
exec frs message 'You must move to the
table field';
exec frs sleep 2;
inquire_frs table ''
(:fldname = name, :currow = rowno,
:lastrow = lastrow);
if (currow = lastrow) then
exec frs message 'You must scroll
in a new row';
sleep 2;
currow = currow + 1;
** Update data in row specified by
** 'currow'
end if;
end if;
exec frs end;
Example 7:
Inquire whether a field was changed by the runtime user.
exec frs activate menuitem 'Salary';
exec frs begin;
exec frs inquire_frs field (:changed =
if (changed = 1) then
log salary change for employee;
exec frs set_frs field (change(salary) = 0);
/* clear the change variable */
end if;
exec frs end;
Example 8:
Check to see if a change was made to make the application more efficient. For the example below, assume that the only field on the form is a table field with columns name and rank.
exec frs activate menuitem 'Update';
exec frs begin;
** Check if a change was made to column "rank"
** in the current row.
exec frs inquire_frs row
(:changed = change(rank));
/* Only need to update database
** if a change was made.
if (changed = 1) then
get information and update database;
exec frs set_frs row (change(rank) = 0);
/* clear the change variable */
end if;
exec frs end;
Example 9:
Only validate field key if value has changed:
exec frs activate field key;
exec frs begin;
exec frs inquire_frs field
(:changed = change(key));
if (changed = 1) then
perform field validation
/* clear the change variable */
exec frs set_frs field (change(key) = 0);
exec frs end;
Last modified date: 02/26/2025