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The Ingres Environment
To run ABF and Vision, you must set up your Ingres environment correctly. See the section that applies to your operating system.
Windows: To check that you have defined the II_SYSTEM environment variable and that you have set up your directory path to include the location of the installation:
1. At the operating system prompt, type:
set | find "II_SYSTEM"
You must see a valid pathname.
2. At the operating system prompt, type:
You must see the %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\bin and %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\utility directory paths.
3. At the operating system prompt, type:
dir % II_SYSTEM%\ingres\bin\vision*
You must see the name of a file.
UNIX: To check that you have defined the II_SYSTEM environment variable and that you have set up your directory path to include the location of the installation:
4. At the operating system prompt, type:
You must see a valid pathname.
5. At the operating system prompt, type:
echo $PATH
You must see the $II_SYSTEM/ingres/bin and $II_SYSTEM/ingres/utility directories. If you do not see these directories, you must add them to your path.
6. At the operating system prompt, type one or both of the following commands.
If you are running Vision, type:
ls -l $II_SYSTEM/ingres/bin/vision
If you are running ABF, type:
ls -l $II_SYSTEM/ingres/bin/abf
You must see the name of a file for which you have read and execute permission.
7. At the operating system prompt, type:
ls -l $II_SYSTEM/ingres/bin/iiabf
You must see the name of a file for which you have execute permission.
If Steps 1, 3, and 4 do not produce the results described above, consult your Ingres system administrator.
VMS: To check that the IISYMBOLDEF.COM and IIJOBDEF.COM procedures have been executed:
8. At the operating system prompt, type:
show logical ii_system
You must see the name of a valid device or rooted directory. If you do not, contact the system administrator.
9. At the operating system prompt, type:
show symbol vision
show symbol abf
You must see the name of a valid command to execute the iiabf.exe program out of the II_SYSTEM:[INGRES.BIN] directory. If you do not, type the following command to define the necessary symbols:
10. Use the dir/security command to check that you have read and execute permissions for the file II_SYSTEM:[INGRES.BIN]IIABF.EXE.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024