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How the Ingres High Availability Option Is Configured
During the installation of the Ingres High Availability Option, several resource variables are defined to control the operation of the HA Option scripts. These variables define:
The location and user ID for the Ingres installation
The tracing flags to be used for debugging
The values needed to enable the database probe function
Some of these variables can be changed after installation to change the operation of the Ingres failover scripts.
Examine the following scripts in IngresSCAgent/bin to determine exactly how these variables are used. Examine the Solaris Cluster documentation to determine when these scripts are called.
Use the following Solaris Cluster administration command syntax to change the value of a resource variable:
# scrgadm ‑c ‑j resource-name ‑x variable=value
The following is a list of variables that can be defined for the Ingres High Availability Option scripts.
Sets the path for the Ingres system directory.
Sets the Ingres owner.
Sets the logical host name.
User=userid (Optional)
Sets the users for secondary monitoring.
Database=database (Optional)
Sets the database for secondary monitoring.
Table=database_table (Optional)
Sets the database table for secondary monitoring.
Probe_timeout=seconds (Optional)
Sets the timeout value for the probe database call.
EnvFile=path (Optional)
Sets the file used to load additional user specified environment variables.
II_SCHA_TRACE=n (Optional)
Sets the trace level for debugging. Valid levels are 0 for no tracing and 1-9 for debugging information.
II_SCHA_LOG=path (Optional)
Sets the file name for the trace output.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024