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Installation History Log File
The install program records in the installation history log file each new installation as it occurs:
The installation history log file is placed in this location so that it can be as globally accessible as possible. VMSINSTAL will display its contents during installation to help avoid mistakes, so it is helpful to keep it accurate.
Edit the Installation History Log File
The system administrator can edit the installation history file to add data for an existing installation or to maintain data for your new installations.
To edit the installation history log file, use the following executable file provided with the distribution: II_SYSTEM:[ingres.install]ii_installs.com.
To run the ii_installs.com script
1. Log in as the system administrator and type the following at the system prompt:
$ @II_SYSTEM:[ingres.install]ii_installs
The II_INSTALLS> prompt appears.
2. Type the following:
3. Follow the instructions provided on your screen to view or add entries to this file.
Note:  If editing the file, be sure to maintain the sequential order of wrapped rows.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024