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A valid license.xml file must be installed in a directory accessible to the Ingres installation. The installation procedure will prompt for this directory.
To generate a license key, use the Ingres license generator page accessible through the Actian Customer Portal (https://support.actian.com/).
The installer will display the information (such as host name and number of cores) you need as input to the fields on the License Key Generator page so that the license file can be generated.
Only one valid license.xml needs to be installed on a given host. All installations on that host can point to the same license.xml if the license is valid for the version of Ingres installed.
Failure to have a valid product license causes Ingres to suspend processing.
Configuration Parameters for Licensing and Email Notification
Licensing related parameters are stored in config.dat.
The installer will prompt for your email details so Actian can notify you when your license is about to expire. If you choose not to enable email notification during installation, you can set these parameters later by using the iisetres command. For example:
iisetres ii.HOSTNAME.config.license_dir /directory/containing/licensefile
iisetres ii.HOSTNAME.config.mailhost host.domain.com
iisetres ii.HOSTNAME.config.mailport 25
iisetres ii.HOSTNAME.config.email noreply@domain.com
where HOSTNAME can be retrieved by running the command iipmhost on the host terminal.
Licensing related parameters to use in a response file are: II_LICENSE_DIR (required), II_MAILHOST, II_MAILPORT, and II_EMAIL.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024