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Multiple Instances on One Node
You can have more than one installation on the same stand‑alone computer or network node. Each installation on that computer or node must have a unique installation code.
A single node can contain one system-level DBMS Server or client installation and many group-level installations. The system-level installation is the “main” installation, which may be accessed by all authorized users. Each group-level installation will be the default for the members of a given group with a particular user identification code (UIC). Non-group members may use such an installation by running a script that is provided for that purpose.
IMPORTANT!  Assigning multiple instances to the same group UIC corrupts data and the logging and locking system.
System-level and group-level installations use different logical name tables to store Ingres location logicals (for example, II_DATABASE). In a system-level installation, these logicals are set at the system level and are stored in the LNM$SYSTEM table. In a group-level installation, logicals are set at the group level and are stored in the appropriate LNM$GROUP table. For instructions on how individual users can switch between system-level and group-level installations, see the System Administrator Guide.
The Ingres system administrator must maintain and keep separate any multiple instances on the same node. To help you keep track of these instances, the “ii_installs.com” script and the installation history log file “ingres_installations.dat,” are provided in the distribution.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024