Installation Guide > Installation Guide > I. Installing Ingres on OpenVMS > Owner of the System Administrator Account
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Owner of the System Administrator Account
The install program automatically creates the system administrator account if you want, after you specify its user name and user identification code (UIC).
Note:  When the install program creates the system administrator account, it automatically sets up the minimum recommended process resources and privileges. However, if you provide the user name or UIC of an existing account, you must ensure that the account has the appropriate resources and privileges.
Each separate installation must be owned by a unique OpenVMS account, even if the same person acts as system administrator for all installations. This applies to both system-level and group-level installations.
For a system-level installation, the recommended user name for the system administrator account is ingres; for group-level installations, it is ingresxx, where xx is the installation ID. These user names are suggested, but not required. You can substitute different names.
Note:  The system administrator account must not be the “SYSTEM” account. A separate, privileged account is required.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024