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Set Up Each NFS Client Individually
To set up each NFS client individually, follow these steps:
1. Make sure you have run the Ingres DBMS Server and Ingres Net setup programs on the Ingres DBMS Server instance, as described in Run the Setup Programs.
2. Define II_SYSTEM as it appears on the client, where pathname is the path for the directory in the client’s file system that is the NFS-mounted, shared II_SYSTEM directory on the Ingres DBMS Server instance.
For C shell:
% setenv II_SYSTEM pathname
For Bourne shell:
$ II_SYSTEM=pathname; export II_SYSTEM
3. Set your path appropriately.
For C shell:
% set path=($II_SYSTEM/ingres/{bin,utility} $path)
% rehash
For Bourne shell:
$ PATH=$II_SYSTEM/Ingres/bin:$II_SYSTEM/ingres/utility:$PATH
$ export PATH
4. Issue the following command on each NFS client at the operating system prompt:
% ingmknfs
5. Provide the following information in response to program prompts.
Installation code for this client that is unique on this node
World region in which this client is located
Name of the time zone in which this client is located
The program then asks:
Do you want to authorize any users at this time? (y/n) [y]
6. Enter y to create an authorization entry at this time for yourself or for all users, to enable access to the default Ingres DBMS Server. When prompted to do so, enter the installation password for this client’s Ingres DBMS Server (host) instance.
Enter n if you prefer to create the authorization entry later, using either the netutil utility (see the Command Reference Guide), or the Network Utility or Visual DBA (see the Connectivity Guide).
When done, you are returned to the operating system prompt.
7. Start up the Ingres DBMS Server instance and each NFS client instance with Visual Manager or the ingstart command on each node, as described in Start the Ingres Installation.
8. Make sure that the Ingres startup procedure has succeeded and the Name Server and Communications Server are now running on each client node.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024