Installation Guide > Installation Guide > L. Configuring the High Availability Option for Solaris Cluster > Turn on Debugging and Tracing for the High Availability Option
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Turn on Debugging and Tracing for the High Availability Option
Debugging and tracing of the Ingres High Availability Option for Solaris is controlled by the II_SCHA_LOG and II_SCHA_TRACE variables.
To turn on debugging
Set the II_SCHA_TRACE level and II_SCHA_LOG file name using the following commands:
# scrgadm ‑c ‑j ingres_resource_name ‑x II_SCHA_LOG=path_to_debug_output
# scrgadm ‑c ‑j ingres_resource_name ‑x II_SCHA_TRACE=<0-9>
0=none, 1=minimal, and 9=maximum.
To turn off debugging
Set the level to 0 and the path to “ ”, as follows:
# scrgadm ‑c ‑j ingres_resource_name ‑x II_SCHA_LOG=" "
# scrgadm ‑c ‑j ingres_resource_name ‑x II_SCHA_TRACE=0
Last modified date: 08/28/2024