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Valid Computer, Directory, and User Names
Computer, directory, and user names must be valid for the operating system that Ingres is being installed on and also adhere to the following restrictions.
Computer names
Ingres supports computer names that contain the following ASCII characters only: alphanumeric and hyphen (-). Computer names must not start with a hyphen.
Directory path
A valid Ingres directory path has slightly different syntax on UNIX and Windows.
On both UNIX and Windows, a directory name can contain ASCII letters (that is, a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), and the following symbols: space, hyphen (-), underscore (_), full stop (.), colon (:), left square bracket ( [ ), right square bracket ( ] ), tilde (~).
Note:  Windows does not allow a colon in a directory name.
UNIX and Linux: Absolute directory paths must start with a forward slash (/) and continue with a relative directory path. A relative directory path contains a number of directory names separated by /, as in the following example:
Windows: Absolute directory paths must start with a drive specification (a drive letter immediately followed by a colon), a backward slash (\), and then a relative directory path, as in the following example:
C:\Program Files\Ingres\IngresII
Note:  On UNIX and Linux, uppercase letters are distinct from lowercase ones (for example, a is not the same as A). On Windows, uppercase letters are not distinct from lowercase ones (for example, a is the same as A). In general, we recommend that path names not be distinguished by case.
User names
Ingres supports user names that contain the following ASCII characters only: alphanumeric, at (@), pound (#), dollar ($), underscore (_), hyphen (-), period (.). Administrative user names must begin with an alphanumeric character (unless the name is delimited) and cannot contain a blank character. Passwords must not exceed 20 characters.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024