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Server Detail Screen (More_Info)
The Server Detail screen displays information about a selected server.
To display detailed information on a server, position the cursor at a server in the Server List and select More_Info from the Server List menu. The Server Detail pop-up is displayed. The boxed area shows the session count information.
The Server Detail Screen (More_Info) screen displays the following information:
Current total sessions
The number of users currently connected to the indicated server. This may include two reserved connections for users with the SERVER_CONTROL privilege if the user connect limit has been reached. If internal sessions are displayed, this also includes internal threads.
Maximum total sessions
The maximum number of users that the indicated server can handle at any one time. This does not include reserved connections. If internal sessions are displayed, this also includes internal threads.
Active current sessions
The number of sessions in a computable state. This may include two reserved connections for users with the SERVER_CONTROL privilege if the user connect limit has been reached.
Active maximum sessions
The maximum number of user sessions that can be in a computable state. This does not include reserved connections.
UNIX: The Idle Quantums field is not displayed.
VMS: The amount of CPU used is displayed in terms of Quantums in the Idle Quantums field. As an example, a display of 324485/327697 indicates that there were 324,485 quantums idle out of 327,697 total quantums while this server was active.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024