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VMS Cluster Only Fields (VMS Only)
The following shows the Locking System Summary as it appears when IPM is running on a VMS cluster installation.
The Global Locking Information box appears only in VMS cluster installations. The fields in this area are as follows:
The number of times the VMS lock manager was called to map Ingres locks onto their VMS counterparts through the use of VMS system calls.
The number of times the VMS lock manager was called to dequeue VMS locks using VMS system calls that occurred as a result of a change in status of the corresponding Ingres lock.
Deadlock search pending
The number of pending global deadlock search requests.
The number of global deadlocks that occurred.
Lock grant before search
The number of global locks that were granted without contention as a result of the lock request.
Deadlock search requests
The number of times a global deadlock search was initiated.
Deadlock search calls
The number of times the Cluster Server Process (CSP) requested deadlock search information.
Deadlock messages sent
The number of times a global deadlock message was built up and sent.
Con't deadlock srch calls
The number of times a continue global deadlock search request was issued in response to an unresolved global contention problem.
Con't deadlock msgs sent
The number of continue global deadlock search messages that were sent due to an unresolved global contention problem.
Unsent deadlock srch rqsts
The number of unsent global deadlock search messages found.
Sent all deadlock srch rqsts
The number of times that global deadlock search requests were more than 50% of the total number of transactions.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024