OpenAPI User Guide > OpenAPI User Guide > Introduction > What Is OpenAPI? > Differences Between OpenAPI and Other Application Programming Interfaces
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Differences Between OpenAPI and Other Application Programming Interfaces
OpenAPI provides comparable functionality to Microsoft Windows ODBC and the X/Open Company SQL Call Level Interface. However, there are a few important differences, such as:
OpenAPI supports the complete function set of Ingres SQL, including FIPS 127-2 and SQL-92 Entry Level.
ODBC and SQL Call Level Interface support only X/Open SQL—an X/Open standard based on the ANSI SQL. This difference enables applications written with OpenAPI to access Ingres databases more efficiently.
OpenAPI is tailored to the C programming language.
OpenAPI uses a callback-driven method for asynchronous programming, whereas ODBC uses a polling method.
SQL Call Level Interface does not provide asynchronous programming.
Last modified date: 02/26/2025