OpenAPI User Guide > OpenAPI User Guide > OpenAPI Data Types > OpenAPI Data Structures > IIAPI_COPYMAP Data Type--Provide Information on How to Execute the SQL Copy Statement
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IIAPI_COPYMAP Data Type--Provide Information on How to Execute the SQL Copy Statement
The IIAPI_COPYMAP data type provides information needed to execute the copy statement, including the copy file name, log file name, number of columns in a row, and a description of the data.
This data type has the following syntax:
typedef struct _IIAPI_COPYMAP
       II_BOOL                     cp_copyFrom;
       II_ULONG                    cp_flags;
       II_LONG                     cp_errorCount;
       II_CHAR II_FAR              *cp_fileName;
       II_CHAR II_FAR              *cp_logName;
       II_INT2                     cp_dbmsCount;
       IIAPI_DESCRIPTOR II_FAR     *cp_dbmsDescr;
       II_INT2                     cp_fileCount;
       IIAPI_FDATADESCR II_FAR     *cp_fileDescr;
This data type has the following parameters:
Indicates what kind of copy operation is being used. TRUE if the query is COPY FROM; FALSE if the query is COPY INTO.
Specifies the number of columns in a row in the database table.
Specifies an array of data describing the database table column. The number of entries in this array is cp_dbmsCount.
The memory for this parameter is managed by the OpenAPI.
Note:  For more information, see Output Parameters Allocated by OpenAPI).
Specifies the maximum number of errors allowed to occur before the copy statement is aborted.
Specifies the number of data items in the copy file.
Specifies an array of data describing the copy file data items. The number of entries in this array is cp_fileCount.
The memory for this parameter is managed by the OpenAPI.
Note:  For more information, see Output Parameters Allocated by OpenAPI.
Specifies a NULL-terminating string containing the name of the copy file. This parameter cannot be NULL.
The memory for this parameter is managed by the OpenAPI.
Note:  For more information, see Output Parameters Allocated by OpenAPI.
Specifies flag bits for the copy statement. Currently, there are no flag bits defined. (This parameter is reserved for future use.)
Specifies a NULL-terminating string containing the name of the log file that logs all errors occurring during the copy. This parameter is NULL if logging of copy errors is not desired.
Note:  For more information, see Output Parameters Allocated by OpenAPI.
The memory for this parameter is managed by the OpenAPI.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024