OpenAPI User Guide > OpenAPI User Guide > OpenAPI Data Types > OpenAPI Data Structures > IIAPI_TRAN_ID Data Type--Identify an OpenAPI Transaction
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IIAPI_TRAN_ID Data Type--Identify an OpenAPI Transaction
The IIAPI_TRAN_ID data type specifies and names an OpenAPI transaction. OpenAPI supports Ingres transaction management. The union in this data type will increase as more transaction managers are supported.
This data type has the following syntax:
typedef struct _IIAPI_TRAN_ID
       II_ULONG                          ti_type;
              IIAPI_II_DIS_TRAN_ID       iiXID;
              IIAPI_XA_DIS_TRAN_ID       xaXID;
       } ti_value;
This data type has the following parameters:
Specifies the type of transaction being identified. The valid values are:
Specifies the unique ID of an Ingres transaction. This parameter is valid only if ti_type is IIAPI_TI_IIXID.
Specifies the unique ID of an XA transaction. This parameter is valid only if ti_type is IIAPI_TI_XAXID.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024