OpenAPI User Guide > OpenAPI User Guide > OpenAPI Function Reference > OpenAPI Functions > IIapi_formatData() Function--Convert Ingres Data Values to Compatible Types
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IIapi_formatData() Function--Convert Ingres Data Values to Compatible Types
The IIapi_formatData() function converts data values between Ingres data types. The data values are translated and formatted using settings selected by the application and specified on an environment handle using IIapi_setEnvParam(). IIapi_convertData() can be used to convert data using default settings selected by the user running the application.
For further details, see the description of IIapi_convertData() (see IIapi_convertData() Function--Convert Ingres Data Values to Compatible Types Using Default Settings).
This function has the following syntax:
II_VOID IIapi_formatData( IIAPI_FORMATPARM *formatParm );
typedef struct _IIAPI_FORMATPARM
      II_PTR                     fd_envHandle;
      IIAPI_DESCRIPTOR           fd_srcDesc;
      IIAPI_DATAVALUE            fd_srcValue;
      IIAPI_DESCRIPTOR           fd_dstDesc;
      IIAPI_DATAVALUE            fd_dstValue;
      IIAPI_STATUS               fd_status;
This function has the following parameters:
Type: input
Specifies the environment handle for which the data values to be converted.
Type: input
Specifies the description of the original data type.
Type: input
Specifies the original data value. The value must not be NULL.
Type: input
Specifies the description of the desired result data type.
Type: output
Specifies the resulting data value. There must be enough memory allocated to hold the resulting data value as described by fd_dstDesc (that is, dv_length must be equal or greater than ds_length).
Type: output
Returns IIAPI_ST_SUCCESS if the conversion succeeded. Returns IIAPI_ST_FAILURE if there is an invalid parameter value, insufficient space to hold the resulting data value, or the input data value could not be converted to the requested type.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024