Example: GET DATA Handler
The following example illustrates the use of the GET DATA statement in a data handler. This routine retrieves a chapter titled, “One Dark and Stormy Night,” from the book table which has the following structure.
exec sql create table book
(chapter_name char(50),
chapter_text long varchar);
The data handler routine is called when the select statement is executed:
exec sql begin declare section;
char chapter_namebuf(50);
exec sql end declare section;
int get_handler()
Copy the string "One Dark and Stormy Night" into the chapter_namebuf variable.
exec sql select chapter_name, chapter_text
into :chapter_namebuf, datahandler(get_handler())
from book where chapter_name = :chapter_namebuf
exec sql begin
/* get_handler will be invoked
once for each row */
exec sql end;
exec sql begin declare section;
char chap_segment[1000];
int segment_length;
int data_end;
int error;
exec sql end declare section;
exec sql whenever sqlerror goto err;
data_end = 0
open file for writing
/* retrieve 1000 bytes at a time and write to text file. on last segment, less than 1000 bytes may be returned, so segment_length is used
for actual number of bytes to write to file. */
while (data_end != 1)
exec sql get data (:chap_segment = segment,
:segment_length = segmentlength,
:data_end = dataend)
with maxlength = 1000;
write segment_length number of bytes from
"chap_segment" to text file
end while
exec sql inquire_ingres(:error = errorno);
if (error != 0)
print error
close file
Last modified date: 02/26/2025