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ABORT--Undo an MQT
Valid in: QUEL, EQUEL
Undoes some or all of the effects of a multi-query transaction (MQT).
This statement has the following format:
[##] abort [to savepoint_name]
The abort statement reverses some or all of the updates performed by a multi-query transaction. If you do not specify a savepoint, abort undoes all the updates that were performed by the transaction, closes any open cursors, and terminates the transaction.
If you specify a savepoint, abort undoes all the updates that were performed between the savepoint savepoint_name and the abort statement. Open cursors are closed, but the entire transaction is not terminated (as shown in the second example, below).
For more information, see SAVEPOINT--Declare Marker in an MQT.
Last modified date: 02/26/2025