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Workload Management 2.0
Enhancements to the Workload Management feature provide the ability to queue workloads and more finely control how workloads are executed.
For better control over queries, the database administrator can configure workload management queues for users, groups, and roles. Queues can then be configured to allow queries of certain users, such as a CEO, to be executed before other queries. System defined queues exist to allow certain types of queries, like short running queries or queries against system catalogs, to be executed at a higher priority.
The workload management enhancements include:
Workload queues
Configurations-switchable sets of workload queues (for example, a configuration for month-end processing)
Session level workload management
Real time monitoring of workloads
Auditing of workloads
To set up the workload management system, the DBA can enter values into three new tables in the iidbdb database or use the ALTER WLM statement to create the workload management configurations.
New SQL elements include:
ALTER WLM statement to change the configuration of workload management. ALTER WLM can be used while the system is running.
New request names on the DBMSINFO function, WLM_ENABLED, WLM_CONFIG, and WLM_AUDIT, to view information on the workload management system.
See Managing Workload in the System Administrator Guide.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024