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Move Configuration Data Window
The Move Configuration Data window (shown here) appears when you choose the MoveConfig option from the Configuration Menu.
This window allows you to copy your Ingres Replicator configuration from the initial database to other databases in the replication scheme. Only databases with full peer and protected read-only targets appear in this window. Unprotected read-only targets do not have an Ingres Replicator installation, and therefore do not appear on this window. Of course, the local database you are running the Replicator Manager against does not appear on this list.
The fields in this window are similar to the fields in the Database Summary window. For descriptions of the fields in this window, see online help.
You must configure Ingres Replicator completely from one database to ensure consistency. Ingres Replicator support objects have generated names, based on the table name and a generated table number, which must be unique system-wide. Therefore you must create your replication configuration on one database and use the MoveConfig option to move it to all the other databases in the replication scheme.
Note:  If you make any changes to the configuration once you have Ingres Replicator set up and running, you must use MoveConfig to copy the changes to the target databases. For example, in general you must not change the collision or error mode for a CDDS on just one of the databases that participates in a CDDS.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024