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Registered Tables Report
The Registered Table Report displays the status of all replicated tables. This report is created when you select Tables from the Resolver Reports Menu window.
Following is an example of the Registered Tables Report:
28-Feb-2003                                                           11:35:16
                              Ingres Replicator
                           Registered Tables Report
hq 10

Table                            C S A     Priority Lookup Table
 CDDS                                      CDDS Lookup Table
  Column                         Data type                              D K R
book_list                        C S A
  1 Inventory
  book_no                        integer not null with default          1  K  R
  title                          varchar(40) not null with default            R
  author                         varchar(25) not null with default            R
  price                          money not null with default                  R
  category                       varchar(12) not null with default            R
  stock                          smallint not null with default               R
  dist_no                        smallint not null with default               R

book_orders                      C S A
  0 Default CDDS
  order_no                       integer not null with default          1  K  R
  book_no                        integer not null with default          2  K  R
  sale_price                     money with null                              R
  quantity                       smallint with null                           R
  extension                      money with null                              R

cust_info                        C S A
  0 Default CDDS
  cust_no                        integer not null with default 1 K R
  name                           varchar(25) not null with default            R
  company                        varchar(25) with null                        R
  street                         varchar(20) not null with default            R
  city                           varchar(20) not null with default            R
  state                          char(2) not null with default                R
  zip                            char(10) not null with default               R
  card_no                        varchar(30) not null with default            R
  ep_date                        date not null with default                   R
  ship_to                        char(1) not null with default                R

cust_orders                      C S A
  0 Default CDDS
  order_no                       integer not null with default          1  K  R
  cust_no                        integer not null with default                R
  order_date                     date not null with default                   R
  status                         varchar(15) not null with default            R
  order_total                    money with null                              R

C - Columns Registered           D - Table Key Sequence
S - Support Objects Created      K - Replicated Key Column
A - Change Recording Activated R – Replicated Column
The Registered Tables Report has the following items:
The name of the table.
The number and name of the CDDS to which the table belongs.
The name of the column.
C (Columns Registered)
Indicates that the columns are registered.
S (Support Objects Created)
Indicates that support objects are created.
A (Change Recording Activated)
Indicates that change recording has been activated.
Data type
The data type and declared length of the column.
Priority Lookup Table
The name of the priority lookup table assigned to the table, if defined.
CDDS Lookup Table
The name of the horizontal partitioning lookup table assigned to the table, if defined.
D (Table Key Sequence)
A number indicates that the column is a key column in the base table structure and indicates the column’s sequence in the key.
K (Replicated Key Column)
Indicates that the column is a key column for replication.
R (Replicated Column )
Indicates that the column is registered for replication.
Last modified date: 08/28/2024