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Valid in: SQL, ESQL, OpenAPI, ODBC, JDBC, .NET
The ALTER USER statement changes the characteristics of an existing user.
Use ADD PRIVILEGES to give the user additional privileges. Use DROP PRIVILEGES to remove privileges from the user.
Note:  You cannot use either ADD PRIVILEGES or DROP PRIVILEGES if with_option is specified in the with_clause.
The ALTER USER statement has the following format:
[ADD PRIVILEGES (priv {, priv}) |DROP PRIVILEGES (priv {, priv})]
[WITH with_item {, with_item}]
with_item = NOPRIVILEGES| PRIVILEGES = ( priv {, priv} )
             | NOGROUP | GROUP = default_group
             | SECURITY_AUDIT= ( audit_opt {,audit_opt})
             | NOEXPIRE_DATE | EXPIRE_DATE = 'expire_date'
             | DEFAULT_PRIVILEGES = (priv {,priv})| ALL | NODEFAULT_PRIVILEGES
             | NOPROFILE | PROFILE= profile_name
             | NOPASSWORD | PASSWORD = 'user_password'
             | PASSWORD = X'encrypted_role_password'
             | EXTERNAL_PASSWORD
             | OLDPASSWORD = 'oldpassword'
Specifies the user name. The user must be an existing Ingres user.
Specifies a subject privilege, as described in CREATE USER.
default group
Specifies the default group to which the user belongs. Must be an existing group. For details about groups, see CREATE GROUP. To specify that the user is not assigned to a group, use the NOGROUP option.
Default: NOGROUP if the group clause is omitted.
Defines security audit options, as described in CREATE USER.
Specifies an optional expiration date associated with the user. Any valid date can be used. Once the expiration date is reached, the user is no longer able to log on.
Default: NOEXPIRE_DATE if the EXPIRE_DATE clause is omitted.
Defines the privileges initially active when connecting to Ingres. These must be a subset of those privileges granted to the user.
When specified in conjunction with ADD PRIVILEGE, the default privileges are added to the existing default privileges for the user; otherwise, the specified default privileges will replace the existing default privileges for the user.
Specifies that the session is started with no privileges active. Allows default privileges to be removed.
Allows a profile to be specified for a particular user.
Default: NOPROFILE if the profile clause is omitted.
Allows a user to change her own password. If the OLDPASSWORD clause is missing or invalid, the password is unchanged. In addition, users with the maintain_users privilege can change or remove any password.
Allows a user's password to be authenticated externally to Ingres. The password is passed to an external authentication server for authentication.
Specifies the user's old password.
Indicates whether DBMS authentication is required or optional.
Allows only connection requests that specify the user name and password defined at the DBMS Server level and to a dbms_authentication enabled DBMS Server to succeed; other connections fail. Users with the "security" privilege, including the installation owner, cannot be defined as DBMS_AUTHENTICATION='REQUIRED'.
Allows connection requests that specify a user name and password defined at the operating system level, an installation password, or a Kerberos principle to succeed. In particular, this allows a local connection to a dbms_authentication server to succeed through implicit OS login authentication, without requiring the DBMS password.
Default: 'OPTIONAL'
Embedded Usage
In an embedded ALTER USER statement, specify the WITH clause using a host string variable (with :hostvar). The privilege type can be specified using a host string variable.
You must have MAINTAIN_USERS privilege and be connected to the iidbdb database.
You must have MAINTAIN_AUDIT privilege to change security audit attributes.
Note:  The MAINTAIN_USERS privilege is not required for users who simply want to change their own password.
The ALTER USER statement locks pages in the iiuser system catalog.
Related Statements
Last modified date: 08/29/2024