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Valid in: SQL, ESQL, OpenAPI, ODBC, JDBC, .NET
The CREATE ROLE statement defines one or more role identifiers and their associated password. Role identifiers are used to associate privileges with applications. After the role identifiers are created and privileges have been granted to them, use them with the CONNECT statement to associate those privileges with the session. For information about the privileges granted to role identifiers, see GRANT (role).
Only users who have been granted access to a role can use a role. The creator of a role is automatically granted access to that role.
The CREATE ROLE statement has the following format:
[EXEC SQL] CREATE ROLE role_id {, role_id}
[WITH with_option {,with_option}]
with_option = NOPASSWORD | PASSWORD = 'role_password'
               | PASSWORD = X'encrypted_password'
             | EXTERNAL_PASSWORD
             | NOPRIVILEGES | PRIVILEGES = ( priv {,priv} )
             | NOSECURITY_AUDIT | SECURITY_AUDIT = (audit_opt {,audit_opt})
Specifies the role name to be created. Must be a valid object name that is unique among all role, group, and user identifier names in the installation.
If an invalid role identifier is specified, the DBMS Server returns an error but processes all valid role identifiers.
Role identifiers are stored in the iirole catalog of the iidbdb.
Specifies the role password. In addition, users with the MAINTAIN_USERS privilege can change or remove any password. If role_password contains uppercase or special characters, enclose it in single quotes. Any blanks in the password are removed when the password is stored.
Limits: Role_password can be no longer than 24 characters
Default: NOPASSWORD if the password clause is omitted.
To remove the password associated with role_id, specify NOPASSWORD.
To allow a user's password to be passed to an external authentication server for authentication, specify EXTERNAL_PASSWORD.
Specifies a subject privilege, as described in CREATE USER.
Note:  These are requestable privileges. They must be activated using the SET SESSION ADD PRIVILEGES statement.
Default: NOPRIVILEGES if the privileges clause is omitted.
NOSECURITY_AUDIT | SECURITY_AUDIT = (audit_opt {,audit_opt})
Specifies security audit options, as described in CREATE USER.
Embedded Usage
The WITH clause in an embedded CREATE ROLE statement can be specified using a host string variable (with :hostvar).
You must have MAINTAIN_USERS privilege and be connected to the iidbdb database.
You must have MAINTAIN_AUDIT privilege to change security audit attributes.
The CREATE ROLE statement locks pages in the iirole catalog of the iidbdb. This can cause sessions attempting to connect to the server to suspend until the statement is completed.
Related Statements
GRANT (role)
Last modified date: 02/26/2025