SET TRACE OUTPUT ‘filename’ sets the current DBMS trace log file as filename. If a file has already been defined for tracing, Ingres uses the newly set filename for subsequent tracing. If no file is currently defined for tracing (because the II_DMBS_LOG variable is not set or SET NOTRACE OUTPUT has been executed), filename will be used for subsequent tracing.
The filename option must be a quoted string containing a file name with an extension of ".log". It can be an absolute file name, or a relative file name based on the directory from which the ingstart command was used to start the DBMS Server. If filename already exists, it will be overwritten by the new tracing entries; otherwise, it will be created when the SET TRACE OUTPUT statement is executed.
SET NOTRACE OUTPUT closes the trace file. No trace information is written until a subsequent SET TRACE OUTPUT is executed to define a new trace file.
Last modified date: 02/26/2025