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Example: Copydb
The following example shows copydb used against a distributed database named distdbname and a coordinator database named iidistdbname:
cd /usr/mydir/iidistdbname
copydb iidistdbname
sql iidistdbname <copy.out
cd /usr/mydir/distdbname
copydb distdbname/star

createdb newdistdbname/star

cd /usr/mydir/iidistdbname
Edit copy.in to replace ’iidistdbname’ by ’iinewdistdbname’:
sql iinewdistdbname <copy.in

cd /usr/mydir/distdbname
Edit copy.in to replace ’distdbname’ by ’newdistdbname’:
sql newdistdbname <copy.in
set def usr_disk:[mydir.iidistdbname]
copydb iidistdbname
sql iidistdbname <copy.out

set def usr_disk:[mydir.distdbname]
copydb distdbname/star

createdb newdistdbname/star

set def usr_disk:[mydir.iidistdbname]
Edit copy.in to replace ’iidistdbname’ by ’iinewdistdbname’:
sql iinewdistdbname <copy.in

set def usr_disk:[mydir.distdbname]
Edit copy.in to replace ’distdbname’ by ’newdistdbname’:
sql newdistdbname <copy.in
Last modified date: 08/28/2024