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Register Procedure as Link Statement--Define Procedure to Ingres Star
The register procedure as link statement defines an already existing local DBMS database procedure to Ingres Star. No new database procedure is created.
The register procedure as link statement has the following format:
register procedure procedure_name
         as link
         [from [local_owner_name.]local_procedure_name]
                  [node = node_name,
                  database = database_name]
                  [, dbms = server_class]]
Identifies the object type
The Ingres Star name of the local DBMS database procedure you are registering.
It can be delimited with double quotes to preserve case and allow special characters. However, if the Ingres Star database does not support mixed-case delimited identifiers and the local DBMS or Enterprise Access product does support mixed-case delimited identifiers, you should use a single-quote delimiter in order for Ingres Star to preserve the case.
The name of the database procedure in the local DBMS.
It can be delimited with double quotes to preserve case and allow special characters. However, if the Ingres Star database does not support mixed-case delimited identifiers and the local DBMS or Enterprise Access product does support mixed-case delimited identifiers, you should use a single-quote delimiter in order for Ingres Star to preserve the case.
The default is to use the distributed database procedure_name you specify as the name of the local DBMS database procedure that you are registering.
Enter this name if you are registering the database procedure in your distributed database with a name different from its name in the local DBMS or if the name in the local DBMS does not follow naming conventions, is case sensitive, or is owned by another user.
The elements that are common to all three register as link statements are described in  Register as Link Statement--Define Database Objects to Ingres Star.
Examples: Register Procedure as Link
This statement registers LDB1 procedure p2 (on node node_A) using the same name in Ingres Star:
register procedure p2 as link
  with node=node_A, database=LDB1;
This statement registers LDB1 procedure p3 using the name proc2 in Ingres Star:
register procedure proc2 as link from p3
  with node=node_a, database=LDB1;
Last modified date: 08/28/2024