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Archiver Process Errors on VMS
The Archiver process (DMFACP or DCMFACPxx) does not start if any of the following conditions occur:
Unless the recovery process is running; however, an installation runs without an archiver process until the log file fills up. User programs are suspended until the archiver is started.
When the recovery system is backing out aborted transactions from a system failure. Recovery Process Monitoring can help you determine whether Ingres is in a recovery state.
Due to improper memory resources, inability to read the transaction log file, or inability to write journal files.
You receive an error indicating that the Archiver process failed to start.
The VMS command show system does not list the Archiver process.
Check for Archiver Process Errors on VMS
Use the following procedure to check Archiver process startup problems:
1. Examine the II_CONFIG:errlog.log startup log file for information.
2. Examine the IIACP.LOG_nodename file for possibly specific reasons for the startup failure. Take note of which databases are referenced in the IIACP.LOG_nodename file.
3. Check that the II_JOURNAL location is a valid location:
a. Check the definition of the II_JOURNAL logical.
b. Check the II_JOURNAL location. Type the following command at the operating system prompt:
4. Check that the disk containing the journal files is not 100% full. This makes it impossible to write journals and stops the Archiver.
If the journal disk became full as a result of the Archiver writing journal information, an error appears in the errlog.log stating a “device full” condition.
a. After making disk space available, restart the Archiver using the ingstart -dmfacp command.
b. Optionally, modify the acpexit script to take whatever measures are necessary to notify you of this situation as soon as it occurs. For example, you can modify the script so that it sends you mail when the Archiver encounters an error.
5. If the journal files have been corrupted, the errlog.log reports any problems with the Archiver writing information to the journal files.
If there are corrupted files, or the Archiver process continues to fail, contact technical support, as described in What You Need Before Contacting Actian Support.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024