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Check Shutdown Problems on Windows
If Ingres has problems during shutdown on Windows, follow these steps:
1. Check environment variables in the local user environment by entering the following commands at the operating system prompt:
a. Verify that II_SYSTEM is set correctly.
echo %II_SYSTEM%
b. Check that you have the full search path to %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\bin, and %II_SYSTEM%\ingres\utility
echo %PATH%
If you are having problems shutting down a client installation because Ingres believes a Communications Server is running locally when there is none, remove this file:
2. Identify whether Ingres is recovering aborted transactions. Details of recovery delays are described in Recovery Process Monitoring. Issue the following command at the operating system prompt and examine the output for the word “RECOVER.”
logstat | findstr RECOVER
If Ingres is recovering aborted transactions, wait for this process to finish. Continue reissuing the logstat command and examining the STATUS field. When it reads “ONLINE, ECP DONE,” proceed with normal shutdown.
3. Shut down the installation by typing the following command:
You can also shut down the installation by using the Stop operation in Actian Director or Visual Manager.
Note:  All users must be logged out of Ingres (that is, no sessions running in the server) for ingstop to succeed.
4. Check that all processes are shut down. If shutdown succeeds, none of the following processes are running on your machine:
5. Use one of your operating system utilities to kill any of these processes that are still running.
6. Remove any shared memory segments that remain allocated to this installation. Execute the following command at the operating system prompt:
Your installation is now shut down.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024