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Communications Server Process on VMS
The Communications Server (II_GCC_nnn, where the nnn is a number related to the server’s process ID) does not start if any of the following errors occur:
The II_CONFIG:errlog.log file has a notation regarding the failure of the “net server” (Communications Server) process starting.
The show system command does not list an II_GCC_nnn process.
The utility iinamu does not display a process name when you enter the show comsvr command at the IINAMU> prompt.
Check for Communications Server Process Errors on VMS
If the Communications Server does not start, follow these steps:
1. Examine the II_CONFIG:errlog.log file for any information regarding Communications Server startup.
2. Make sure that the network protocol software on which the Communications Server executes is started and functioning before attempting to start Ingres Net processes. By default, an attempt is made to open ports for the DECnet and TCP_DEC protocols.
3. If the Communications Server continues to fail to start, contact Technical Support.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024