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Detect Ingres Startup Problems on System Reboot (VMS)
To detect Ingres startup problems on system reboot on VMS, follow these steps:
1. Make sure that a real error has occurred. If Ingres is performing startup recovery, see Automatic Recovery.
2. Check to see that the Ingres initialization code is called from the VMS startup files. There are two main startup files:
SYLOGIN.COM is run when any user logs in. The script to set up Ingres user symbols are defined here.
If the DBA symbols are also to be known by all users, the ingdbadef.com script can be used instead.
If the system administrator symbols are also to be known by all users, the ingsysdef.com script can be used instead.
Only one script needs to be defined.
An alternative method is to include these in a user’s particular login.com.
SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM is run when the system is booted. To have Ingres restarted automatically on reboot, add the following line:
Edit the file SYS$STARTUP:INGRES_STARTUP.COM to ensure it is correct for your environment. A line is added to start each installation, but the line is commented out to prevent accidental errors.
Edit this file to meet your needs.
3. Be sure that you have examined all of the log files. Look in these files for possible error messages:
II_CONFIG:IIACP.LOG (with _nodename name suffix if configured
for clusters)
II_CONFIG:IIRCP.LOG (with _nodename name suffix if configured for clusters)
II_CONFIG:II_CSP.LOG_nodename (cluster installations only)
4. Determine if any system logicals have been changed interactively since the last startup of Ingres but the command files have not been updated (use commands such as define/system/exec). Logical names become undefined when VMS is shut down and must be redefined (using the command files) at each boot.
5. Make sure that DECnet and/or TCP/IP is started before either Ingres Cluster Option or Ingres Net is started.
6. Execute the ingstart utility to start up Ingres.
If the installation still does not start, contact technical support, as described in What You Need Before Contacting Actian Support.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024