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II_GC_REMOTE allows or disallows a direct connection between the application process on the client machine and the DBMS Server process on the server machine, thus bypassing the Name Server. The vnode attribute, connection_type, must be set to “direct” to enable direct connections. For additional information on this vnode attribute, see the Connectivity Guide.
If II_GC_REMOTE is not set, direct connections are disallowed (the default).
II_GC_REMOTE needs to be set in the DBMS Server installation only.
Valid II_GC_REMOTE values are:
Allows direct connections that use the vnode attribute connection_type=direct, and rejects direct connections that are attempted using the II_DBMS_SERVER environment variable (see II_DBMS_SERVER).
Allows both vnode controlled and II_DBMS_SERVER controlled direct connections.
Note:  Avoid using this setting because it compromises network security. (No validation occurs to determine whether the client installation has permission to access the server installation.)
Last modified date: 08/29/2024