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Recovery Process Errors on VMS
The recovery process (II_IUSVxx_nnn for stand-alone Ingres, or DMFRCPnnn-xx for Ingres Cluster Solution) must be running before a DBMS server can be started. Failure of the recovery process to start indicates one of the following:
Improper installation configuration. Check Ingres Installation on VMS.
Problems with the log file
Insufficient system memory (NPAGEDYN sysgen parameter)
Check for Recovery Process Errors on VMS
If the recovery process does not start, perform the following procedure.
1. Examine the following files for specific reasons for the startup failure:
(If your system is configured for the Ingres Cluster Solution, the suffix _nodename is added.)
2. If configured for Ingres Cluster Solution, check that DECnet is up among all nodes. Ingres uses DECnet to communicate among nodes. Check that you can set host and log into/from all nodes running Ingres.
3. Be sure that the log file location is correctly defined:
a. Check the definition of the II_LOG_FILE logical.
b. Check the II_LOG_FILE location for the existence of the log file:
4. If you still cannot start the recovery process, the problem may be a corrupted log file. Contact technical support, as described in What You Need Before Contacting Actian Support.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024