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This name affects the QUEL single-line terminal monitor only.
The Ingres environment variable/logical startup affects all users of the QUEL terminal monitor. It is a customizable file (delivered with some macros already defined). It is located at: II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/startup.
Users with permission to edit this file can add statements of the such as the following:
The result of using this macro startup file is that users typing “RET TABLE1.ALL” has the string “RET” substituted by the string “RETRIEVE” at query execution time. For an explanation of how macros are used and defined, see the QUEL Reference Guide.
The quantity of some operating system resources available to each user session is fixed at Ingres DBMS Server start up. These include resources such as the quantities of memory available for parsing, storing and optimizing a query. Default values are used for these resources at installation time. These do not need to be changed unless you are receiving explicit error messages that indicate that these resources are inadequate.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024