VMS Installations
Have the following information available:
• Your Contact ID.
• Your exact Ingres release including any Ingres patches installed. The following header shows the release number format:
Ingres Itanium OpenVMS Version II nn.n.n (i64.vms/nnn)
• Your exact operating system release including any VMS patches installed.
• The current Ingres installation environment. To create a file type:
define sys$output filename
show logical II*
show logical *ING*
deassign sys$output
• If you have been unsuccessful in recovering an inconsistent database, it is important to save this additional diagnostic information.
– For the transactions in the transaction log file, type logstat:
– For the state of the database configuration file, type infodb dbname
– For copies of the relevant error log files type:
search ERRLOG.LOG date
date is the date the database became inconsistent.
IIRCP.LOG_NODENAME for each node in the cluster, if configured for Ingres Cluster Solution.
After retrieving all the diagnostic information, type deassign sys$output.
• A clear description of what you are trying to do when the problem occurs. This includes commands, queries, and so on.
• An indication of whether the failure occurs reproducibly.
• Save the information in your error logs. Save any relevant errors in:
– IIACP.LOG (IIACP.LOG_NODENAME for each node in the cluster, if configured for Ingres Cluster Solution)
– IIRCP.LOG_NODENAME for Ingres Cluster Solution
• Save DBMS server parameter settings:
• A copy of any changes that have been made to II_config:config.dat.
If the Configuration-By-Forms (cbf) utility is used to update the configuration file, a copy of all changes are written to II_CONFIG:CONFIG.LOG.
• Have Dial-In information available (if allowed).
Last modified date: 02/26/2025