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View Environment Variables in VMS
Ingres logicals (with the exception of II_SYSTEM) are defined in II_CONFIG:config.dat during the install process. These logicals can be redefined locally using the operating system command define/job logical_name "value." However, to update the logical definitions permanently, the II_CONFIG:config.dat file must be manually edited and the logical definitions modified.
To facilitate user access to Ingres tools and logical definitions, add the following access commands to the users’ login.com file when you log into the system.
For users, add:
For database administrators, add:
For the system administrator, add:
The commands in these files provide tools access to all users in a system-level installation and to all users with the appropriate group user identification code (UIC) in a group-level installation. The Ingres logicals contained in II_CONFIG:config.dat are redefined at a job level for each user when one of the above commands is executed.
You can display all installation-wide Ingres logicals by typing the following command at the operating system prompt:
show logical [/system|/group|/job] ii*
Last modified date: 08/29/2024