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The ema_check_ingres plug-in checks the status of various Ingres components.
Information that can displayed includes:
Correct or incorrect number of Ingres servers running
List of significant Ingres errors reported
Transaction log file usage
Number of user sessions and information on sessions threads
Status of communications servers and/or number of connections
The plug-in has the following format:
ema_check_ingres --system ii_system_value [--errlog] [--servers|--client] [--logfile logfile_options] [--sessions] [--connections connections_options] [--lockwaits lockwaits_options] [--lrq lrq_options] [--license license_options] [--check_inst] [--check_db db_options]
| --help |--version
--system ii_system_value
Specifies the value of your Ingres II_SYSTEM.
Checks the Ingres error log and display list of errors reported since last check.
Shows server information
Shows client-only information
--logfile logfile_options
Shows log file information. Specify log_options as follows:
-w %
Where % is the warning fullness percentage
-c %
Where % is the critical fullness percentage
Shows session information.
--connections connections_options
Shows connections information. Specify connections_options as follows:
-f local_address foreign_address
Where above addresses relate to Linux netstat output
--lockwaits lockwaits_options
Shows lockwait information. Specify lockwaits_options as follows:
-d dbname
Specifies database name.
-w %
Where % is the warning usage percentage
-c %
Where % is the critical usage percentage
--lrq lrq_options
Shows long-running-query information. Specify lrq_options as follows:
-d dbname
Checks for long running queries against the specified database.
Checks for long running queries against all databases.
--license license_options
Shows license information. Specify lockwaits_options as follows:
-W #
Where # is number of days until license expires when a warning is produced.
Checks availability of the installation.
--check_db db_options
Checks database availability. Specify db_options as follows:
-d dbname
Checks availability of specified database.
Displays version of the plug-in.
Shows usage statement for the plug-in.
Check for a transaction critical log full of 90% plus any other errors:
ema_check_ingres --system $II_SYSTEM --logfile -w90 --errlog
Last modified date: 08/29/2024