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Use of the ANSIDATE Data Type
In previous releases, Ingres supported one DATE data type that stored:
Date and Time
Time stamp
As of Ingres 9.1, Ingres also supports the ANSI data types:
The configuration parameter date_alias controls whether the keyword DATE used for column data type refers to Ingres DATE or to ANSI DATE.
Note:  This applies only to the data type of DATE and does not affect the other ANSI data types.
As client and server each interpret date_alias according to their own config.dat settings, we recommend that from Ingres 9.1, both the client and server have the same setting for date_alias.
When migrating from an earlier version of Ingres, the existing date data in the database is not affected as the data is in Ingres DATE format.
If date_alias is set to ANSIDATE, the DATE data type is now expecting data in the ANSI date format "YYYY-MM-DD." If the column still expects data in Ingres DATE format, the column format must be changed from DATE to INGRESDATE.
The same applies if date_alias is set to INGRESDATE and you want to use the ANSI DATE data type. The column must be declared as having a format of ANSIDATE and not DATE, as Ingres date format will be expected.
Last modified date: 08/29/2024