What scenarios can I use DataCloud Backup for?
You can use DataCloud Backup to store backup files in the cloud to safeguard against disasters that could affect your Ingres site. By moving backups to an offsite location, you have a backup copy from which you can restore your Ingres installations. You can also use DataCloud Backup for long-term archival purposes. You can download files to restore a database to a point in time and to restore your Ingres configuration.
Where is my data stored?
When you register your DataCloud Backup Agent, you must choose a storage region. We currently support the following regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), EU Germany, UK London, EU Ireland.
How do I upgrade to the latest version of the agent?
2. Delete the “backup-agent” directory.
4. Start the agent.
What happens if the agent is not running during backups?
The agent will upload any missed backups when it restarts.
What if my Internet connection fails while the service is running?
After network connectivity is restored, you must restart the agent to sync any checkpoints and journals that may have been created while the Internet connection was down.
My session to the DataCloud Backup Console expired. What do I do?
After logging into the console, your session will expire after sixty minutes for security reasons. The upper right corner of the console displays the number of minutes until session expiry. If your session expires, enter the URL into the browser and log in to the console again.
Can one agent be used for multiple Ingres instances installed on a host?
No. You must run one agent per instance.
Does the agent have a log file?
The agent log can be found in:
Linux: /home/username/actian/IngresXX/backup/logs.
Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Actian\IngresXX\Backup\Logs
What if I forget my DataCloud Backup user name or the answer to my security question?
Contact Actian Support.
Will upgrading my Ingres instance affect the backup process?
Keep the agent running when installing an Ingres patch. No further steps are needed.
Does the DataCloud Backup Console show deleted backups?
Does the agent start automatically when Ingres starts?
How can I monitor the health of DataCloud Backup components?
Before logging in to the backup console, click Service Status.
The Current Status for DataCloud Backup is shown. This page shows the availability and performance of the backup service, backup console, and backup UAS (User Authentication Service). It will also inform you of scheduled downtimes for the backup service. You can subscribe to the RSS to receive the latest updated content.
How do I know the version of the agent that is running?
The agent version is shown in the Agent field on the Instances page of the backup console.
Can other users access my data?
Currently, all user accounts are associated to one customer account (typically an enterprise, division, or department). All users of a customer account can see or act on all data of that customer. Users cannot see or act on the data of other customers.
What if a checkpoint is marked invalid? Won’t it use unnecessary cloud storage?
We only transfer valid checkpoints to the cloud.
If I download a checkpoint are the correct journal and dump files downloaded too?
Yes. If there are multiple journals in the checkpoint sequence then they are downloaded with one click, along with the checkpoint files themselves.
Are the *.cnf files backed up to the cloud?
Can I change the download location?
Yes. To change the download location (whether the default or a custom location) after the agent has been registered, contact Actian Support.
Last modified date: 12/17/2021