Options to the backup-agent Command
The following examples of the backup-agent command illustrate additional options and their proper use:
1. Get help on the backup-agent command:
2. Show the status of the backup agent:
3. Register the agent silently, specifying US West (region ID 2) as the storage region:
./backup-agent register -user=myuserid -password=MyPassword1 -region=2 ‑encryptionpassword=MyEncryptPass1!
backup-agent register -user=myuserid -password=MyPassword1 -region=2 ‑encryptionpassword=MyEncryptPass1!
Note: If the password contains certain special characters then you may have to put quotes around the entire argument, for example: "-password=MyPass,word".
Caution! The backup-agent command has a -force option, which you should use only after deregistering an agent, as described in
Deregister an Instance.
Last modified date: 12/17/2021