The following components are required before installing the DataCloud Backup Agent:
• At least one of the following Ingres installations:
– Ingres 11.0 (64 bit) for Linux with at least Patch 15240
(Ingres 11 is also known as Actian X.)
– Ingres 10.2 (64 bit) for Linux with at least Patch 15254
– Ingres 11.0 (64 bit) for Windows with at least Patch 15242
– Ingres 10.2 (64 bit) for Windows with at least Patch 15258
• An Actian DataCloud Backup login account.
You receive instructions on creating a DataCloud Backup account when you subscribe to DataCloud Backup. An account is required to log in to the DataCloud Backup Console and to register agents.
• A home directory for the Ingres installation owner on the same machine as the Ingres installation.
Last modified date: 12/17/2021