Advanced Configuration : Using Integration Manager APIs : Execution Service Job Status Codes
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Execution Service Job Status Codes
The following are execution service job status codes:
Job has been created but needs additional information or a trigger event prior to being queued for execution.
Job has been queued for execution by the next available worker.
Job has been acquired by a worker and is being prepared for execution.
Job is currently executing on a worker.
Job has successfully completed. A log file is available (or soon will be).
Job encountered an exception during execution. Depending on configuration and artifact design, the job may or may not have completed. A log file is available (or soon will be).
Job failed or was manually stopped by user command or exception at some point during initialization or execution. A log file may or may not be available.
Job was cancelled prior to being acquired by a worker (during the WAITING or QUEUED state). No log file will be produced.